Rudhyar is the author of over 40 astrological works and founder of what is known as transpersonal astrology. Secondly Dane Rudhyar (1895-1985) French born astrologer, philosopher and composer who spent most of his life in the USA. Leo is considered by many to be one of the driving forces behind the revival of astrology in the west. These are Alan Leo (1860 - 1917) an English astrologer and founder of the Astrological Lodge of the Theosophical Society, UK.

In this paper I will use the work of two astrological authors exploring their views on determinism within astrology. It suggests that the determinism actually practiced within contemporary western astrology has links to the philosophy of Plato rather than the universal causal determinism as suggested by its critics. This paper considers the nature of the determinism associated with astrology from some of its critics and its protagonist. In conclusion this paper explores a view of astrology which would be neither classical science nor needing a religious or spiritual foundation, but rather could allow astrology to be seen as one of the cultural expression or tools of chaosmos existing in the present-day world. The third section of the paper links the discoveries of chaos and complexity theories with their use in psychology and draws parallels with the practise of twentieth and twenty-first century astrology. This section also presents fractals as a tool for understanding the workings of chaos and complexity. The second section of the paper focuses on the findings of contemporary chaos and complexity theories and links these findings to psychology and myth, showing how the human sciences have embraced this research to give a new language and methodology to the understanding of life and its systems in the present-day world. It then explores the historical background to the rise of order (cosmos) and the resulting definition of ‘truth’ as order. The first section discusses the nature of creation that comes from the void of chaos and shows how astrology has its genesis in this paradigm. To support this hypothesis, this paper draws on different disciplines and, for ease of understanding, is presented in three sections. This paper investigates the hypothesis that astrology, over its history, has been and still is a vessel of chaosmos, a chaotic sympathetic cosmology, in western culture.